
React Documentary, Front of the Front End, Fast Fallacy, and Best Practices

Reacting to the React.js documentary, is there still jobs for front of the front end anymore? The fast fallacy in frameworks, best practices, dealing with too much or too little isolation, and AI test generation.


Jamstack Thoughts with Brian Rinaldi

Brian Rinaldi joins us to talk about the state of Jamstack in 2023, acronym confusion, SPA confusion, developing common tools of understanding, why Netlify bought Gatsby, and the state of developer conferences.


TypeScript, DX, GripeScript, and Astro v2 with Fred Schott

Fred Schott stops by to talk about TypeScript, what DX means in 2023, a bit of GripeScript, and being transparent about what Astro is good at, and what it's not.


Do You Want to Build a JS Framework? ☃️ CSS Wishlist for 2023

Austin power updates, what do you need if you want to build a new JavaScript framework, and what do we hope CSS brings in 2023?


PlanetScale with Iheanyi Ekechukwu and Mike Coutermarsh

Iheanyi Ekechukwu and Mike Coutermarsh talk about PlanetScale, what Vitess is, if PlanetScale is for both side and big projects, what read only regions are, what schema changes are, and how PlanetScale compares to other projects.


Sanity with Simen Svale Skogsrud and Espen Hovlandsdal

Simen and Espen from Sanity stop by to talk about the origins of Sanity, how Sanity Studio works, good use cases for Sanity, how Sanity does real time updates, what Groq is, and where to start with Sanity.


Ben Ubois of Feedbin

Ben Ubois is the founder of Feedbin, the RSS reader of choice for Dave and Chris. What influenced the creation of Feedbin, the state of RSS in 2023, curating your RSS feed, and subscribing to newsletters in Feedbin.


Infinite Canvas, Luro + Figma, and Scraping or Crawling

What's going to happen to homework with AI? Thoughts on infinite canvas which leads into Luro and Sigma integration, and Chris gets nerdsniped and tries to scrap (or should he crawl?) websites for data.


WordPress and GraphQL with Jason Bahl

Jason Bahl joins the show to talk about the GraphQL and WordPress connection, his work on WP GraphQL plugin, Faust and Atlas from WP Engine, Jamstack and Wordpress, and more.


Ryan Dahl and Deno

Ryan Dahl stops by to talk about Node, Deno, JavaScript, testing, V8, and thoughts around getting started with Deno.


Arc Browser with Nate Parrott

Nate Parrott from The Browser Company of New York stops by to talk about Arc - including the history of Arc, how boosts work, building out dev features, how they deciding on what features to build, and feedback from Dave and Chris on Arc.


Feedback, RSS Talk, Arc Brower, and Product Talk

Getting feedback for what you're building or writing, RSS feed reminiscing, Arc browser thoughts, products that didn't make that should have.