
CSS Preprocessors

There are 21 shows with this tag.


With Daryl Koopersmith

This week we were joined by Daryl Koopersmith, a San Francisco based web developer. Daryl was a lead developer on WordPress, and co-headed up the recent 3.5 release, specifically working on the new (awesome) media manager. We talk about (roughly in order):


with Tim Smith

This week we were joined by Tim Smith, a designer doing both freelance work and in-house design work as well as soon-to-be magazine publisher. This is a crossover episode, as both Dave and Chris have been on Tim's excellent podcast The East Wing. We talk about (roughly in order):


With Harry Roberts

This week we were joined by Harry Roberts of CSS Wizardy. Harry does a lot of writing about CSS architecture and writing good CSS. He has a fancy title at BSkyB and has worked on apps such as Faavorite. We talk about (roughly in order):


With Jina Bolton

This week we were joined by Jina Bolton, a talented designer and developer. She's currently working for (@DoWorkTogether) and helping out with the SASS website redesign (@TeamSassDesign). We talk about (roughly in order):


With Zoe Gillenwater

This week we were joined by Zoe Gillenwater who we like to think of as one of the mothers of responsive design, in that she was talking and writing books about responsible fluid layouts for quite a long time. Add some media queries and you have what is essentially modern day responsive design. Giveaways: Congrats on Keith Wyland, the first winner for the HTML and CSS Book Giveaway. We have two more books and we'll give away one per week. Record an audio question to enter. We have five copies of ProCSSor to give away. We'll give away two this week. Any tweet that mentions @shoptalkshow and #procssor will be entered to win.