011: With Jina Bolton
This week we were joined by Jina Bolton, a talented designer and developer. She's currently working for Do.com (@DoWorkTogether) and helping out with the SASS website redesign (@TeamSassDesign). We talk about (roughly in order):
Time Jump Links
- Magento Boilerplate
- Picturefill, a polyfill for
- More followup on tracking print usage on websites: Stephanie Hobson's thoughts and research.
- CSS for Grown Ups: Slides and Audio
- Hot Drama on potential removing of swearing from Mark Pilgrim's Dive Into HTML5.
- Mozilla begrudgingly adopts H264
- Google+'s HTML
- Handing off between front end and back end developers
for icons- What programs do we design with
- Getting called out on terminal usage
- Will using preprocessors too much make us forget the orignal language?
- Differences and usage of @mixin vs. @extend
- Learning of the newfangled