296: Variable Fonts with Jason Pamental
We've got Jason Pamental on the show to educate us on variable typography and how it could be the biggest thing to come to the web since responsive design.
Time Jump Links
- 1:56 What is a variable font and why should we care?
- 8:44 This could be the biggest thing to come to the web since responsive design.
- 18:20 Tell us about your book?
- 23:00 Pragmatic is definitely the word I gravitate to.
- 24:30 Was there a fight to get variable typography support?
- 30:15 Are font builders excited about this?
- 34:20 Illustrator and Photoshop support?
- 44:30 Performance is important with fonts.
- 49:25 What's this optical size-zzz stuff?
- 56:00 Is there a worry that people will do bad things with this?
- 57:20 How do web dev folks learn to use type better?
- 59:50 What's up with coloring fonts?