

There are 99 shows with this tag.


WordPress Databases & Hosting with Brad Touesnard

We're talking WordPress databases and WordPress hosting on this chat with Brad Touesnard. What's page caching vs object caching? How should you move a database from local to dev to production? And what should be in your repo for WordPress?


Blocks and Browsers

Dave and Chris talk about styling Gutenburg blocks, the Edge browser news, mobile web, Opera, web 3, Firefox empathy, and the general state of web browsers in 2019.


Is There a Great Divide?

Dave and Chris chat about the great (or is it?) divide in the front end world of web design and development.


ACF With Elliot Condon

Elliot Condon stops by the show to talk about his WordPress plugin, Advanced Custom Fields. We talk about his development process, modern WordPress dev workflows, and how Gutenburg will affect plugins like ACF.


Gutenberg with Tammie Lister and Matias Ventura

The new WordPress editor, codenamed Gutenberg, has people excited and nervous about what's going to happen to their WordPress sites. We've got 2 Automatticians who are working on the Gutenberg project to help answer some of the questions swirling around this big change.