

There are 99 shows with this tag.


Hey! What About Email, Scroll Triggers, Mobile First vs Desktop, and more?

We're talking email, custom properties to tame the CSS stack, scroll trigger animation, WordPress blocks, mobile first vs desktop first design, and getting stuff to look nice on mobile Safari. And MORE!


Banjos, Google Performance Updates, and Static Site Generator Perf

We're talking about what's going on in the world and in our worlds, a bit of banjo talk, building in WordPress and the fancy world of workers, new web performance details from Google, and answering a question about static site generator performance.


Jamstack with Divya Tagtachian

Divya Tagtachian stops by the ShopTalk studios to answer questions about Jamstack and Netlify. What's open authoring? Can a SPA be Jamstack? Can a site be too large for Jamstack? Is SSR the same thing as Jamstack? What's happening with WordPress and Jamstack?


New Website!

We're talking the redesign of The ShopTalk Show website, including some of the issues and technical challenges we faced designing a podcast website for 2020.


Looking Back at 2019

Chris and Dave talk Typescript, whether it's worth it to use a bundler with WordPress, did Apple break parallax, and building bespoke templates in WordPress with Gutenberg.