There are 69 shows with this tag.
Color Accessibility with Geri Coady
We're talking color (colour if you please) on this episode: deciding on color, figuring out how many colors to use, and making sure people can actually see the color you intended are all part of the fun of designing on the web. We've got Geri Coady on to help us figure out why color accessibility is important and how to get started.
SVG and Sketch with Peter Nowell
It's our SVG Sketch-a-thon. We've got Peter Nowell on who's the Sketchmaster to talk about SVG workflows, animation workflow, plugins for Sketch, and how working in software like Sketch is great but you should still know the code.
Design Ethics
We've got Robyn Kanner and Mike Monteiro on the show to talk about ethics in design. When and, more importantly, how should you stand up to a manager when they tell you to design something in a way that feels wrong? Where do ethics and morals collide and how do we navigate that?
Finding “A Thing”
It's conference season and we've Una Kravets and Krystal Higgins from An Event Apart Seattle on to talk about how they got into their "things" - the stuff they talk about, why they picked that topic, what to do if other people hop on your thing, and ideas to start giving talks at conferences.
News Publishing
Our guest is Rebekah Monson of Whereby.Us - a company that creates media and technology products that help people connect and engage in their cities. Is using WordPress Multisite a good idea? How can a small team manage editorial, tech, and community issues efficiently? Is there any profitability in local media?