

There are 16 shows with this tag.


With Tim Kadlec

This week we were joined by Tim Kadlec. Tim is a front end developer, blogger, book author, and started the web conference Breaking Development at his previous job.


With Stephanie Rewis

Stephanie Rewis is a front end engineer who was a speaker, trainer, and builder all simultaneously for many many years and is now the VP of front end at a not yet launched CRM startup. We talk about (roughly in order):


With Tab Atkins

This week we were joined by Tab Atkins. Tab is a member of the CSS Working Group in the W3C and contributes to several other working groups. He is an employee of Google with the title Web Standards Hacker. We talk about (roughly in order):



No guests this week. We just chug through as many questions as possible. We plan to do one of these every so often to make sure we get to as many listener questions as possible. We talk about (roughly in order):


With Zoe Gillenwater

This week we were joined by Zoe Gillenwater who we like to think of as one of the mothers of responsive design, in that she was talking and writing books about responsible fluid layouts for quite a long time. Add some media queries and you have what is essentially modern day responsive design. Giveaways: Congrats on Keith Wyland, the first winner for the HTML and CSS Book Giveaway. We have two more books and we'll give away one per week. Record an audio question to enter. We have five copies of ProCSSor to give away. We'll give away two this week. Any tweet that mentions @shoptalkshow and #procssor will be entered to win.