

There are 16 shows with this tag.


With Val Head and Sarah Drasner

For this episode we're talking web animations with two people who've been in the animation trenches for a while — Sarah Drasner and Val Head. Dave's got some animation specific challenge questions and we talk about ways to present your cool animation idea to clients or a boss for approval.


With Rachel Nabors and Dan Wilson

This week we talked with Rachel Nabors and Dan Wilson about the web animations API. How does it work alongside or replace other animation frameworks like Greensock. Listen and get excited about web animations!


With Sarah Drasner

Sarah Drasner is the Senior UX Engineer at Trulia and she's obsessed with animation. In fact she's giving a workshop at Front End Masters about it (coming soon) called Advanced SVG Animation. She's on Shop Talk Show to talk animation framework options, style guides and 5W30 motor oil.


With Tim Holman

Tim Holman is an Australian developer with a strong focus on design and interactivity. He currently lives in New York and is working as a product engineer at Tumblr.


With Rachel Smith

This week we're joined by Rachel Smith. Rachel is currently doing animation/motion design for the web at Active Theory.