277: CSS-Zingers (Summer 2017 Beachbody Edition)
Summerbod Edition of Shoptalk Show where we talk about CSS issues we have or have come across, the state of code editors and the plugins/themes we're rocking, and even a couple questions from you about how to organize code when your boss wants it a different way, understanding Flexbox, SVGs as a Vue component, and stylesheets vs inline styles.
Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert
This episode is with just Chris & Dave, ShopTalk Show's hosts. Chris is the co-founder of CodePen and creator of CSS-Tricks, and Dave is lead developer at Paravel.
Time Jump Links
- 1:30 Writing an app to get healthy.
- 23:20 The question I have for you is about file organization and how to best approach it for the team?
- 32:30 Getting Prettier
- 38:00 Code editors and the plugins/themes we're rocking.
- 47:18 Understanding Flexbox better.
- 49:05 Is there much use for SVGs as a Vue component?
- 54:50 What are your thoughts on using stylesheets vs. only inline styles? For a web app using many different dynamic components and functionality, what set of tools do you find to be the best fit?
- Sophie Shepherd: Learning to be Chill
- Firebase
- Shoutout Sidebar.io
- Prettier
- Coda by Panic
- TextMate
- BBEdit
- Emmet
- Sublime Linter
- Nord theme for Code
- Flexbox Froggy
- CSS Grid Garden