

There are 4 shows with this tag.


Paravel’s Building an App – What’s the Tech Stack? Also

What's the tech stack Paravel's using to build their app? A conversation on AdonisJS, NuxtJS on Vite, side projects in Vue, checking out, Slinkity and Eleventy, and working on quantity to get to quality.


Building Websites Now vs 1996, Vue 3, Picking a CMS, and Writing a Book with URLs

Is it harder to make a website in 2021 than in 1996? Are site building tools making life easier? Does Dave use scoped styles in Vue? How could Vue help with design systems? And Chris tries making a CSS Tricks book on the web, while Dave is workshopping a web components talk.


Ben Hong’s Views on Vue, VuePress, Nuxt, Petite Vue, Shopify + Netlify, and Static Hosting

Ben Hong talks with us about Vue 2 vs Vue 3, Nuxt, VuePress, GridSome, Petite Vue, Headless Shopify + Netlify, is static hosting the right term these days, and what's up with Nuxt 3?


CSS-Zingers (Summer 2017 Beachbody Edition)

Summerbod Edition of Shoptalk Show where we talk about CSS issues we have or have come across, the state of code editors and the plugins/themes we're rocking, and even a couple questions from you about how to organize code when your boss wants it a different way, understanding Flexbox, SVGs as a Vue component, and stylesheets vs inline styles.