

There are 62 shows with this tag.


Debugging CSS with Aimee Knight

Just when you think you know everything there is to know about CSS, Aimee Knight is on the show and she'll help you understand CSS in a new way as a Javascript developer learning about CSS.


Garbage Desks in 4K

We're coming at you in 4K audio from Chris' new office and Dave's garbage can while we rapidfire your questions on CSS grid fallbacks, angular represented on the podcast, Javascript's acceptance, NodeJS support on hosts, and avoiding CORS issues.


The New JavaScript

Javascript has been on people's mind and so Dave and Chris bring the horn section along to answer your questions on choosing which technology to run with, when to learn it, spaghetti code, and also Dave's thoughts on Microsoft Edge Summit 2017.


Vanilla JS with Chris Ferdinandi

We're talking with Chris Ferdinandi about Javascript, specifically Vanilla Javascript, and what that means on the web in 2017.


Rapidfire 79

RAPIDFire Q&A Miami style. But first, Dave introduces you to the ShopTalk Show comment bag. Fake news on Facebook, in-app browsers on iOS being different, Filezilla secure, and figuring out when to stop researching new technology and just build websites.