205: Rapidfire 55
This week we have another RAPIDFire episode digging way back into the question archive to answer questions about stolen SVGs, getting started writing for the web, dealing with small styles, the best library for DOM manipulation, and Dropbox Driven Development.

Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert
This episode is with just Chris & Dave, ShopTalk Show's hosts. Chris is the co-founder of CodePen and creator of CSS-Tricks, and Dave is lead developer at Paravel.
Time Jump Links
- 2:00 What could I do to make them understand that the web is moving forward, and their websites should too? I know the websites I make is for them and not for me, but it feels a bit strange.
- 5:30 Given that SVG files are the raw and un-rendered, it’s much easier to take bits of pieces of it versus a PNG image. Are you ever worried that someone will come along and steal parts of the SVG file?
- 9:10 Do you know any other way to concatenate javascript while keeping the list of js paths out of the gulp file?
- 12:50 Sometimes I run into problems with how I have wrote the html or css in a way that makes it hard to position a div or tab. What are some best practices when coding the html and css so that the page comes together in an efficient and predictable manner?
- 15:28 The web world has so much going on and our industry has so many amazing writers, how does one find a way to write something different? Is it even worth worrying about?
- 19:50 I am facing a problem where I don’t have enough clients. How do I get more of them? I don’t live in an area with many businesses that I can work for. And how can I write a good proposal? Tips and experience?
- 25:56 How do you handle small styles for example three lines of code in sass do you create its own partials or create one called global and put it in there?
- 29:55 I find CSS modularization very intriguing but would like to view great examples of projects implementing style builds entirely in JS. Could you point me to some good open source examples?
- 37:00 Is jQuery still the best library for DOM manipulation?
- 42:47 Is there a workflow or tools you would recommend for automated pre-commit code formatting? So that everyone who contributes code has it automatically formatted the same without having to worry about editorconfig. We use css, js, and handlebars templates.
- 46:40 I know the obvious answer is for everyone to work strictly locally and then use Git when work is ready, but what is the best way to handle this when working with partials? Should we compile on the server? Or separate our project out into a ‘development’ and ‘distribution’ structure with a build task?
- 50:47 Do you guys have any suggestions on software options to provide monthly search engine ranking reports that can help automate this process. I’m building up a decent client base and would love to save some time with researching the hundreds of keywords I’m currently tracking. Thanks!