Service Workers
There are 3 shows with this tag.
Caching, Service Workers, and JavaScript with Scott Jehl
Scott Jehl is our guest and we're talking about accessibility, jQuery history, progressive enhancement in modern javascript, critical CSS, service workers, maintenance of a server, and other fun stuff.
Top 5 Browser APIs You’re Not Using with Patrick Kettner
What are the top 5 browser API's that you're not using? We've got Patrick Kettner on from Microsoft's Edge team to help us understand more about the what's changed in all the browsers - but particularly Edge.
Crossover with HTTP 203
We're joined by Jack Archibald and Paul Lewis from the HTTP 203 Show to chat about service workers, frameworks, and too much work to build the web. We also discuss a moratorium on web features, and get to the bottom of what's up with American bathrooms.