There are 25 shows with this tag.
Rapidfire 63
It's time for another RapidFIRE episode where we answer your questions about developing for the web. This episode covers topics like developer convenience versus user satisfaction, coding ergonomically, PHP7 on HTTP/2, modern tools adding power but also complexiety, dealing with credit card fraud, an update on sitemaps, and SEO importance in mustache.js. *Pew* *Pew*
RAPIDFIRE pew pew! We follow up on vertical rhythm with Tim Brown, talk data storage options on the web, charging for refactoring, A/B testing, and when to get a lawyer involved.
With Dan Denney
Dan Denney is a front-end dev at Code School and the founder of Front-End Conf. Dan shared his workflow for sending HTML email, we took a deep dive into Mandrill, discussed our current build processes, how to get a team up to modern development standards, and more
Rapidfire 41
This week it's another RAPID-FIRE!!! Nothing but Thanksgiving turkey hangover and hot question and answer madness!
Rapidfire 40
This week it's another RAPID-FIRE!!! Nothing but web standards southern gentlemen and hot question and answer madness!