

There are 19 shows with this tag.


A Day in Our Lives at Work, Envisioning Conferences Again, and the Benefits of Netlify

We're talking about threading in Slack or Discord, the continue reading button on a website, Axe software - also a sponsor!, cost benefit of time spent on work, what a day in the life at work is like for Chris and Dave, and musing about whether conferences are going to be a thing again.


Help! My Boss Wants to Code?

Dave and Chris talk podcasts they're enjoying, a brief making money on the web segment, and your questions about styling old elements, encrypted media, and how to keep your boss out of your code.


Picking the Perfect Stack to Make Money on the Web

We're re-introducing ourselves in case you're new around here - and then we're right back into talking about picking the perfect stack, how to charge for various tasks in client work, handling H tags in the main menu of a site, and making money on the web.


Making Money on the Web

Chris and Dave talk about interesting ways to make money on the web including Dave's drawing app idea, games like Downwell, the Tech Lead YouTube channel, and services like Coil and Brave.


With Justin Sainton

This week we're joined by Justin Sainton. Justin founded Zao, Portland’s premier WordPress Agency. He is also the Lead Dev for WP eCommerce, and a WordPress Core Contributor, so we joined him for a Halloween-themed deep dive into some spooky questions about Wordpress development! *Warning: this episode contains some spookily-scary soundbytes; listener discretion is advised.*