273: On Sharing Links and Pricing
Dave and Chris are answering your questions on this episode, such as: Do sharing buttons on websites work? Pricing for apps? Building things yourself versus off the shelf? API's and CMS's and headless CMS's?

Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert
This episode is with just Chris & Dave, ShopTalk Show's hosts. Chris is the co-founder of CodePen and creator of CSS-Tricks, and Dave is lead developer at Paravel.
Time Jump Links
- 3:02 The perils of using a laptop as your development machine.
- 10:12 Why did you choose to not include social share buttons/widgets on CSS-Tricks.com?
- 28:25 Regarding pricing for web apps you build, how do you figure out prices?
- 37:30 I'd like to incorporate a drag and drop nested menu/taxonomy editor for use in my projects. Is there a good off-the-shelf solution to this or would I need to build my own?
- 46:50 Working with AIRA accessibility issues.
- 51:10 Can I use Codeigniter as API for ember? Is it up to date solution?