270: SVG and Sketch with Peter Nowell
It's our SVG Sketch-a-thon. We've got Peter Nowell on who's the Sketchmaster to talk about SVG workflows, animation workflow, plugins for Sketch, and how working in software like Sketch is great but you should still know the code.
Time Jump Links
- 6:00 Less training material for Sketch than Adobe products.
- 8:30 SVG training starting beyond the basics.
- 16:00 There are so many things designers who aren't developers can do to make life easier for everyone.
- 20:50 Understanding SVG and it's syntax is important for designers to know.
- 21:55 How do you quality control the SVG an app puts out?
- 26:50 SVG is not a native design format.
- 30:15 What is a good Sketch SVG workflow?
- 38:00 What about animation and SVG best practices?
- 43:30 Specific tooling for SVG?
- 46:20 What do the optimizers do?
- 54:00 Icon workflow in Sketch?
- 1:03:00 What's the on-ramp for learning SVG?