
Web Components

There are 20 shows with this tag.


Tailwind, Where to Find Inspiration, SVG Corrections, and Web Workers

We're talking about health, Tailwind CSS, getting overwhelmed with where to start on a project, some follow up on SVG sizes and web components, and why isn't there a bigger focus on web workers?


Web Components, Frameworks vs Vanilla, Accessible Numbers, and SVG Memory Usage

We riff on web components and web component libraries, when and why you should use a framework vs vanilla HTML/CSS/JS, how to make phone numbers more accessible, trying to figure out state, and some thoughts on SVG memory usage.


Andy Bell on Taking Side Projects to 11(ty)

Andy Bell brings his collection of side projects to the podcast to talk about including Piccalilli, Boiler Form, Web Components Club, Hylia for Eleventy, and Front End Challenges Club.


Full Jamstack React Developer

Chris and Dave talk about what Jamstack means to them, thoughts on being called a Full Stack Developer, state management, writing responsible code, and why web tech can be hard.


Getting lit-html with Justin Fagnani

Justin Fagnani from the Polymer Project is our guest and we're taking a deep dive into lit-html and Polymer elements, how those projects are different, and we'll discuss how Web Components is wrapped up in all of this.