recap show
There are 2 shows with this tag.
Where Will The Web Be 12 Years from Now?
We've got your feedback as well as our thoughts on where we all think the web will be in 2036 - as we celebrate 12 years of ShopTalk Show history, we're looking forward to what's to come with ideas around cookie banners, undo, no more passwords, React, Deno, Node, and Mozilla's future, ChatGPT's thoughts, accessibility, blockchain, VR / AR, hoverboards, P3 color space, indie web, JS bundle sizes, and more!
Front-End Web Professionals Excited to Talk Front-End Web Design And All It’s High Dramatic Fashions
We're celebrating episode 500 by looking back at the previous eras of ShopTalk Show including why we started the show, how it's changed over the years, and how the tech and our lives have changed as well.