

There are 62 shows with this tag.


JavaScript in 2021, Writing Workflow, Picking a CMS and Web Hosting, and Web Workers?

More on JavaScript in 2021, looking at Jay Hoffman's writing workflow, helping pick a CMS for fun blogging, helping pick a web host and the happiest path involved, and just what the heck are workers on the web?


Pandemic Purchases, Video on the Web, Convoluted Processes, and Javascript Debounce

Dave and Chris talk about recent pandemic purchases, publishing video on the web, more sharing of convoluted processes, some menu bar app ideas, reinvigorating HTML, and writing good git commit messages.


RedwoodJS with Tom Preston-Warner

Tom Preston-Werner joins the show to talk about his latest project, RedwoodJS, and the decisions made about how it works, public APIs, how tied to Netlify RedwoodJS is, and why they're using Prisma.


Eleventy with Zach Leatherman

Zach Leatherman stops by the show to talk about his static site generator, Eleventy, as well as look back at his Front End Engineer Manifesto from 2012 and see how it holds up in 2019.


When Tech Works and When Tech Breaks

Chris and Dave talk about technology overwhelm, when tech breaks, when tech works amazing - and why and how tech sometimes falls out of favor.