

There are 14 shows with this tag.


Streaming Hardware, Babel Thoughts, Power Washing Websites, and a Desk Update

Dave's got YouTube dreams, a conversation about Babel, trying to generate a goldilocks level of source code a la Backbone and Underscore, power washing WordPress websites as a career, and an update on Dave's desk.


Rapidfire 84

RAPIDFire except less rapid and more fire this time? We're talking support for @supports, should you do work you don't agree with? Should you use data URLs all the time? How would you spend two grand? Do we need to solve CSS or is it fine the way it is?


Rapidfire 77

It's a RAPIDFire mixed with a rant-i-fire episode: A ShopTalk Rantâ„¢ on WordPress and Dave's got a new computer. Also, how should you create responsive info-graphs and charts? Is there a way to web inspect canvas? Is Bootstrap accessible?


Rapidfire 73

A little follow up this week! We revisit some stuff we've talked about before, like Webpack, TypeScript, and the double-tap bug on iOS. Chris is trying to get rid of cables on his desk and Dave's shopping for more computer stuff, as always. Then we get into more of your Rapidfire questions and our answers: resources for implementing accessibility in JavaScript apps, finding APIs to practice with, using Adobe XD, <b> vs <strong> tags, and who's responsible for making things secure on the front end?


#davegoeswindows Wrap-up

Hear the finale of the #DaveGoesWindows series. Worried about being left behind? What can you do while you just build websites? The line between front end and back end developers being blurred? Animating icons on your phone's home screen? We've got answers!