There are 4 shows with this tag.
When Tech Works and When Tech Breaks
Chris and Dave talk about technology overwhelm, when tech breaks, when tech works amazing - and why and how tech sometimes falls out of favor.
Gatsby with Jason Lengstorf
Jason Lengstorf is our guest to help get us all up to speed on what Gatsby is, how it works, who it's for, and thinking about some interesting ways to use it on the web.
JavaScript with Sara Vieira
We're talking JavaScript land with Sara Vieira - how she got her start coding, Node, GraphQL, Apollo, living and traveling as a coder, what's happening in the JavaScript ecosystem around the world, NuxtJS, design systems, and frameworks.
JAM Stack with Phil Hawksworth
We're joined by Phil Hawksworth to talk about the benefits of static sites as well as work through some of the objections people often have to using a static site in 2018.