

There are 149 shows with this tag.


CSS Colors Fun, HSL, Updates from Browser Land, Pseudo Selectors, and Responsive Design Questions

We're talking all about fun with colors in CSS, browser updates, the death of AMP (question mark), pseudo selectors, a question about responsive design in vertical space, and linking with _blank.


macOS + Bluetooth Woes, WordPress Support Share, Puppeteer Update, and How Much Do You Care?

Dave's ongoing Mac adventures, cleaning up old WordPress plugins, sharing a WordPress support tech, a Puppeteer update, and the sliding scale of giving an F in projects. Oh and we review a bit of 2020 and look forward to 2021. Thanks for listening!


Asset Bundling with WordPress, Using Grid for Components, Testing Ecommerce, and Dave Goes Back to Mac?

What's the state of the art technique when it comes to asset bundling in WordPress? Should we use grid for every component? How should we test ecommerce site builds? And Dave goes back to the Mac!


WordPress vs Jamstack Followup, iPad SVG Drawings, CSS in PHP, and Self Hosted Video

A bit of WordPress vs Jamstack fall out, iPad SVG drawing followup before diving into your questions: Can you use PHP to serve CSS? What's the ideal pipeline from request to deploy? And are there good options for self hosting video?


LH, RLH, Shadow DOM, Developer Experience, and RUM

We read some blogs and have some questions of our own: LH vs RLH? What about styling the shadow DOM with CSS shadow parts? Should you focus your work on what's loaded in your brain already? What is the Developer Experience? RUM and making decisions with or without data.