There are 151 shows with this tag.
Twisting Through Websites
The excitement of launching Luro, changes in social media platforms, different seasons for coding and marketing, embedded social media post weight, CSS thoughts from Web Unleashed, focus state issues, and fact checking and updating old posts on your blog.
CSS Functions, Read It Later, Making Money in Business, and More
A quick bit of union news follow up, CSS function round up, Read It Later inside Feedbin, fun uses for a Stream Deck+, how to turn up the money dial in your own business, and having the audacity to call yourself a publisher.
Lifetime Plan, Pricing #HotDrama, and CSS Resets
Getting tripped up on audio at conferences, announcing the ShopTalk Show Lifetime Plan, some Once pricing #hotdrama, remembering Molly Holzschlag, web components, Luro launch day thoughts, and a question about using a normalize or sanitize in 2023 prompts a run through of Andy Bell's Modern CSS Reset.
Chen Hui Jing and the State of CSS Survey for 2023
We're talking the State of CSS Survey, 2023 Edition, with Chen Hui Jing. What was it like helping develop the survey? A bit of follow up on regions, the benefits of being able to tell the browser what you want, language issues in developing and understanding CSS, the struggle for non-majority users, CSS frameworks, and more.
One Day Builds, Spicy Slugs, and What Next for CSS?
Have you ever been an auctioneer? Sometimes when God closes a shed, he opens a sauna. Dave's working on the one day build theory, how to market with fake data, an update on the Discord, marketing with a spicy slug, what we want to see next in CSS, and thoughts on component libraries.