Critical CSS
There are 5 shows with this tag.
Caching, Service Workers, and JavaScript with Scott Jehl
Scott Jehl is our guest and we're talking about accessibility, jQuery history, progressive enhancement in modern javascript, critical CSS, service workers, maintenance of a server, and other fun stuff.
Is There a Great Divide?
Dave and Chris chat about the great (or is it?) divide in the front end world of web design and development.
Rapidfire 68
Followupisode - we're checking in on the ShopTalk Show mailbag to get your thoughts on previous discussions as well as your questions on topics like key portfolio elements, HTML5 boilerplate, critical CSS issues, and more.
Rapidfire 49
We've got another **RAPIDFIRE** for you this week! Pew Pew Pew, Kaboom!
With Addy Osmani
Addy Osmani is an engineer at Google, where he works on Chrome & Polymer. Addy is also the creator of TodoMVC, @Yeoman, Web Starter Kit, and the author of JavaScript Design Patterns. He joined us to talk frameworks, performance, JavaScript, and more.