
282: Testing with Eli Brumley and John Reese of CrossBrowserTesting

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We're testing out a new episode with a couple of guests from CrossBrowserTesting who are here to help us understand what kinds of tests we should be running, automated versus manual testing, who should be testing, and how much testing of your website is really necessary?



Eli Brumley

Web · Social

John Reese

Web · Social

Time Jump Links

  • 4:45 What are the different types of testing you can do for websites?
  • 8:55 What's selenium?
  • 14:00 Real world testing vs automated testing.
  • 19:30 When should we be testing?
  • 21:30 What's an introduction to testing?
  • 24:40 How do I run selenium tests in multiple browsers?
  • 31:30 What success stories from testing do we have?
  • 46:10 Does implementing a test suite slow down development? What is a testing workflow like?
  • 52:00 What if you don't have nachos for breakfast, do you still need testing?
  • 55:30 Are web driver scripts powering Russian botnets?