158: With Kristina Halvorson
Kristina Halvorson joined us for a deep dive into content strategy.
Time Jump Links
- 21:40 I'm the lead for website development projects at an advertising firm and I get asked a lot from clients, “How should I send you changes to the website?” Is there a service that allows you to see the website along with an overlay of the clients markup and notes?
- 27:24 I've recently started a small WordPress blog with a few friends. I tell them to make sure they fill out important fields before posting articles (featured images, categories, etc). I still find that they often forget these fields. Do you know of any plugins or alternate solutions to make these fields a requirement before someone can publish an article?
- 30:03 My company's sites have some duplicated content. How badly does this affect our Google page rank for products?
- 37:10 What CMS would you recommend for needs like e-commerce specific content on mobile?
- 42:43 I'd like to show a different design (different JS, CSS, and content) to mobile users on my Wordpress site. Any advice for me?
- 49:14 The other day I stumbled upon The Grid. Their goal seems to be automating the website layout and design process based on a users content via Ai and machine learning. How do you guys feel this will effect the website design industry? Since this looks pretty straightforward for anyone to use, will this cause for designers to start moving into development?