web industry
There are 25 shows with this tag.
Rapidfire 58
It's a RAPIDFire episode - Chris and Dave answer your questions as quickly as they can before the gun goes off. Too many tools, comp sci vs programming, vertical rythym, version controlling WordPress, self-employment, div-itis, and mobile email client performance issues are just some (ok all) of the topics covered.
With Ashe Dryden
This week we talked with Ashe Dryden about how companies, open source projects, and conferences, can become more diversified.
The State of Front-End Dev (ALA Rebroadcast)
We've got a panel discussion from A List Apart's The State of Front End Dev hangout featuring Jina Bolton, Una Kravetz, Rebecca Murphy, Marco Rogers, and our own Chris Coyier. Job tiles, recruitment, what it means to be a senior developer.
Panel on Ad Blockers
We've got a panel discussion around ad blocking. Three guests, each on slightly different sides of the debate, join us to talk about the controversial topic of ad and content blockers.
This Idea Must Die
This idea must die - ideas that exist that are so absurd so seemingly unlikely that you can't believe it even exists at all?