There are 8 shows with this tag.
Typetura with Scott Kellum
Scott Kellum talks with us about his new project, Typetura. We discuss how it works, what it's dependancies and limitations are, as well as what the future holds for CSS and the web.
With Katie Kovalcin
This week we were joined by Katie Kovalcin. Katie is a designer at Happy Cog in Austin and teaches at Girl Develop It.
Rapidfire 23
This week it's another RAPIDFIRE!!! We take listener questions and try to answer them as best we can within a 3 minute time constraint.
With Rick Blalock
This week we were joined by mobile architect Rick Blalock. Rick currently works at Appcelerator, a framework for building out native applications in Javascript. Rick also knows quite a bit about Joomla.
With David Walsh
David Walsh is a MooTools lover, recent Mozilla-er, and (for a final "M"), fellow original Madisonian with Chris. David has been writing at his blog The David Walsh Blog for over five years. We talk about (roughly in order):