

There are 12 shows with this tag.


With Schmitt, Enns, and McFarland

This week we were joined by Christopher Schmitt, Chris Enns (TRIPLE CHRIS SHOW!), and Dave McFarland. These are the fellas behind the new podcast The Non-Breaking Space Show. Watch their site, as we joined them immediately afterward to record an episode of their show (CROSSOVER SHOW!). We talk about (roughly in order)…


With Jeffrey Way

This week we were joined by Jeffrey Way who is a long-time Envato employee, probably most well known to our listeners by being the editor of Nettuts+. Jeffrey hails from the mountain town of Chattanooga, TN, home of the world's fastest internet. Want to win a copy of the HTML & CSS Book? Just send in an audio question and you'll be qualified to win. We'll pick one winner a week for three weeks.