

There are 22 shows with this tag.


Chrome 133, Attribute Update, and Standardized Async CSS

Dealing with AI creating fake work by famous artists, HTML is actually a programming language, Chrome 133 updates, attr updates, making "this" less annoying, and Scott Jehl's trying to standardize Async CSS.


Mouthblogging HTML in 2025

We're talking HTML this episode, detail summary, HTML datalist element, styling selects, anchored pop ups, popovers, invokers, HR in select, target=blank, HTML for People, and what we still need.


Web3, Cryptobucks, HTML is Ok, Tailwind Tokens, and Getting Excited About CSS

How good is web3 really? And is there money to be made without destroying the environment? Is HTML good enough for the future? And what are we excited about in new stuff for CSS?


Brad and Ian Frost – From Meteorologist to Web Developer

We're chatting with Ian Frost who swapped out his meteorologist career to become a web developer alongside his brother Brad Frost. We talk about getting started learning HTML / CSS, and then Javscript, writing code as a team, navigating the front and back end in 2021, dictating tech stacks to clients, and dealing with turnover and tech changes with clients.


Pandemic Purchases, Video on the Web, Convoluted Processes, and Javascript Debounce

Dave and Chris talk about recent pandemic purchases, publishing video on the web, more sharing of convoluted processes, some menu bar app ideas, reinvigorating HTML, and writing good git commit messages.