

There are 13 shows with this tag.


CSS-Zingers (Summer 2017 Beachbody Edition)

Summerbod Edition of Shoptalk Show where we talk about CSS issues we have or have come across, the state of code editors and the plugins/themes we're rocking, and even a couple questions from you about how to organize code when your boss wants it a different way, understanding Flexbox, SVGs as a Vue component, and stylesheets vs inline styles.


Rapidfire 78

You asked us questions like: Can you leapfrog other people when you switch careers? Is Safari the worst browser for animations? Style guides, grid layout and how to think about it, freelancing and taking ownership of things, and of course what's the deal with HSTS? So we answered in this RAPIDFire Q&A episode.



RAPIDFIRE pew pew! We follow up on vertical rhythm with Tim Brown, talk data storage options on the web, charging for refactoring, A/B testing, and when to get a lawyer involved.


With Eric Meyer

Eric Meyer has been working on the web since 1993, and has been a huge influence on countless web designers. He joins us for a special episode to share what he's learned about design after going through a difficult and tragic time in his life. We talked Flexbox, layouts, his new talk, improving user experience for stressful medical situations, and more.


With Anna Debenham

Anna Debenham is a freelance Front-End Developer based in the UK. She started finding clients when she was 18 and never looked back. In this episode, she shared some great advice about how to get started as a web freelancer. We also discussed handing off projects to clients, working with Flexbox, how to present work to clients remotely, how to come up with awesome job titles for yourself, and more.