There are 8 shows with this tag.
Jamstack with Divya Tagtachian
Divya Tagtachian stops by the ShopTalk studios to answer questions about Jamstack and Netlify. What's open authoring? Can a SPA be Jamstack? Can a site be too large for Jamstack? Is SSR the same thing as Jamstack? What's happening with WordPress and Jamstack?
Andy Bell on Taking Side Projects to 11(ty)
Andy Bell brings his collection of side projects to the podcast to talk about including Piccalilli, Boiler Form, Web Components Club, Hylia for Eleventy, and Front End Challenges Club.
Eleventy with Zach Leatherman
Zach Leatherman stops by the show to talk about his static site generator, Eleventy, as well as look back at his Front End Engineer Manifesto from 2012 and see how it holds up in 2019.