There are 44 shows with this tag.
Bastian Allgeier from Kirby CMS
Bastian Allgeier, creator of the popular CMS Kirby, talks with us about what Kirby is, why Kirby uses flat files, the whole SSG vs flat debate, the $20B Sigma shaped elephant in the room, running Kirby on the edge, how Kirby handles support and licensing, and what kinds of sites use Kirby?
Building Websites Now vs 1996, Vue 3, Picking a CMS, and Writing a Book with URLs
Is it harder to make a website in 2021 than in 1996? Are site building tools making life easier? Does Dave use scoped styles in Vue? How could Vue help with design systems? And Chris tries making a CSS Tricks book on the web, while Dave is workshopping a web components talk.
What’s Up with CMS’s?
Chris and Dave revisit the state of CMS land with a discussion that mentions almost every kind of CMS available in 2019.
Gatsby with Jason Lengstorf
Jason Lengstorf is our guest to help get us all up to speed on what Gatsby is, how it works, who it's for, and thinking about some interesting ways to use it on the web.
Are Static Site Generators Still Considered a CMS?
We're back answering more of your questions, including: what are the rule son displaying email on a website? What resources do you recommend to bootstrap a website? When should I stray from conventions? If customers don't want to maintain it, should I still use a CMS? And what are the limits of static site generators?