

There are 26 shows with this tag.


Twisting Through Websites

The excitement of launching Luro, changes in social media platforms, different seasons for coding and marketing, embedded social media post weight, CSS thoughts from Web Unleashed, focus state issues, and fact checking and updating old posts on your blog.


Micro.blogging with Manton Reece

Manton Reece, creator of, stops by to talk about the history of, what it's written in, how it handles feeds coming in and going out, cross-posting, authentication, and the somewhat hidden features of bookmarking, bookshelves, and even podcasting.


Building a Technology, Twitter Driven Development, Deciding on a Blog Topic

How do you add features to a web app while the web app is running? Should you add features to your app based on whatever Twitter tells you? And if Chris or Dave were starting a new blog today, what niche would they start writing about?


Sold Any Blogs Lately?

Dave has questions about CSS Tricks sale to Digital Ocean, what's involved in selling a blog in 2022, the tech behind CSS Tricks, liberal coding to accept more than you anticipate, hidden attributes in HTML, and Inert in Safari 15.4.


JavaScript in 2021, Writing Workflow, Picking a CMS and Web Hosting, and Web Workers?

More on JavaScript in 2021, looking at Jay Hoffman's writing workflow, helping pick a CMS for fun blogging, helping pick a web host and the happiest path involved, and just what the heck are workers on the web?