
092: With Dudley Storey

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This week we were joined by Dudley Storey. Dudley is a teacher, craftsman, designer & writer, and the author of Pro CSS3 Animation.



Dudley Storey

Web · Social

Dudley is an author, Smashing Magazine contributor, teacher and speaker.

Time Jump Links

  • 7:00 Webkit hates src-N
  • End Of Year Responsive Images Report
  • 13:14 CSSOff 2013
  • 17:20 Learn jQuery from Scratch (CSS-Tricks Class)
  • 21:15 Is it worth taking the time to learn Flash in 2013?
  • 26:56 Is getting a degree from a university something that you feel is a necessity for our line of work or is there enough value in self teaching the skills used in web development?
  • 33:54 Can you give a general overview of the things someone new to the field should study right away to build their core coding skills?
  • 39:57 StackOverflow and books can only teach me so much. What are your recommendations for code mentoring both at work and when I freelance? I never know if I am doing things the "right" way.
  • 48:32 As someone just starting out in web design, should I be using Flexbox right now?
  • 52:23 I've been designing and developing for a couple years and just moved into WordPress. I stumbled upon the editor that allows you to edit the templates and CSS and I wonder if its a good idea to do edits here or continue to edit the files from the FTP?
  • 56:12 I don't do any coding, I solely focus on web design. Can I use a robust, well-maintained Behance/Dribble profile instead of building a separate portfolio site? Will potential employers look down on me if I decide to go in that direction?