
All Episodes

651: Jason Lengstorf on, DevRel Panic, and Spicy Gear

650: Layout in CSS, Balatro Q&A, Chrome Biz, & Forkin VS Code

649: Chrome 133, Attribute Update, and Standardized Async CSS

648: Speculating on Funding Open Source

647: Slash Pages vs Wikis vs Posts, RSS, Living with an ADHD Diagnosis, and M4 Upgrades

646: Hard Code & Soft Skills

645: Mouthblogging CSS in 2024

644: Mouthblogging HTML in 2025

AI generated image of a fake Dave and Chris shouting at a computer screen with a weird AI image on it.

643: Social Capital, Easter Eggs in Apps, & CSS Parts

642: Chris Person on Forums, Reddit, and Cooperative Reporting

641: Passkey Usage, Writing Code with a Bot, and What’s Up With Java?

640: Navigating the Pros and Cons of Web Components

639: DX, JSON, XML, HTML, and Databases! Oh My!

638: Q&A About Copyright, Jekyll, Joomla, Statamic, and More!

Brian Muenzenmeyer

637: Approachable Open Source with Brian Muenzenmeyer

636: W Hot Drama Week (WordPress, WP Engine, and Web Components – Oh My!)

635: Jeff Robbins and Visibox as an Instrument for Video

634: Fabian Kägy on WordPress, Blocks, and Enterprise Dev

Thomas Steiner

633: Thomas Steiner on AI in Chrome and the Web

Adam Coster

632: Adam Coster on Game Development and Crashlands 2

631: Dave’s Second Brain Idea, Notion Thoughts, and Google’s LLM in Chrome

630: Frostapalooza Recap, Follow Up, and Messy Codebases

AI generated image of a fake Dave and Chris shouting at a computer screen with a weird AI image on it.

629: The Great Divide, Global Design + Web Components, and Job Titles

Dave and Chris

628: Tending to RSS Feeds, Code Hike’s Fine Markdown, and Cloudflare R2

627: Getting Comfortable with the Struggle and Vibe Driven Development

AI generated image of a fake Dave and Chris shouting at a computer screen with a weird AI image on it.

626: We Were Wrong and Keep Getting in Trouble

625: CarTalk, Ownership of A Book Apart, and URL Shorteners

624: Blogging, In App Browsers are Bad, and Teaching CSS from Scratch

623: Assigning Weight Dynamically, CoPilot vs Other AI, and Monorepos

622: Website Rendering, Updating Software, and Edge Gets Faster

621: Setting Up Prettier and Linting, Comparing Colors, and Accessibility Overlays

620: Cloudflare #HotDrama, Auth, and Prototyping Thoughts

619: Svencodes

Matt Visiwig

618: Matt Visiwig on SVGBackgrounds

617: Economic & AI Vibes with Jason Grigsby

616: Strum Machine with Luke Abbott

615: Dave Goes Windows For Real

Adam Argyle

614: CSS Grid Level 3 aka Masonry with Adam Argyle

613: Recording Live Music, WebC, Open Source, & WordPress Studio

612: Matt Haughey on a Fantasy Blogging CMS Setup

611: React! TypeScript! Jobification! Drupal!

610: TypeScript in 2024, Signals, Productivity Sniped, and Follow Up

Blake Watson

609: Blake Watson on Home Cooked Apps

608: Can WordPress Kill Your Resume, Fav Parts of Web Dev, Exploring HTMX, and more!

607: Astro Launches an Integrated Database

Michelle Barker

606: Web Sustainability with Michelle Barker

605: Jim Nielsen on Subversive URLs, Blogging + AI, and Design Engineers

604: VS Code Plugins, Git as a Radical Statement, Tailwind & Arc Drama

Josh Collinsworth

603: Deno, React Alternatives, and Copilot Concerns with Triple Threat Josh Collinsworth

602: What Does Accessibility Really Mean?

601: Brad Frost on A Global Design System + Frostapalooza

600: Where Will The Web Be 12 Years from Now?

599: Fighting the Algorithm With RSS, Blogging, and the IndieWeb

598: Jen Simmons on Interop, WebKit Releases, and New CSS Features in Safari

597: How Many VS Code Plugins, Poor Charlie’s Almanack, and Where to Start in 2024?

596: The Year of AI, Arc, and Being Mad About the Right Thing

595: MedTalk Show, Plagiarism and Code Grifting, and How We’re Testing Code

594: Wiping Your Laptop, UX of Password Codes, and :Has Tips and Tricks

593: Beep & Texts, Tumblr, JavaScript & Web Components, & Cool Blog Post Ideas

592: Web Component Therapy, SEO Therapy, and Learning Something New like Swift

Miriam Suzanne

591: Cascade Layers, CSS Functions, and more CSS with Miriam Suzanne

590: Twisting Through Websites

589: CSS Functions, Read It Later, Making Money in Business, and More

588: Elliott Marquez on Web Components and Lit

Ethan Marcotte

587: Why Ethan Marcotte Thinks Tech Workers Deserve a Union

586: Micro.blogging with Manton Reece

585: Blog Redesign, Sounds on a Website, Accessibility Tests, and Safari 17

Fred Schott

584: Community, Partnerships, Images, and Astro with Fred K. Schott

Maggie Appleton

583: Language Models, AI, and Digital Gardens with Maggie Appleton

582: Lifetime Plan, Pricing #HotDrama, and CSS Resets

581: DevRel, Musical Mics, Social Sharing, and 100 Years of WordPress

580: Chen Hui Jing and the State of CSS Survey for 2023

579: One Day Builds, Spicy Slugs, and What Next for CSS?

578: Customer Support, P3 Color, Dave on Productivity, and Mobile vs Desktop

577: Shawn Wang on AI

576: Blocks, Components, Linting Images, Engines, and “Web Integrity”

575: CSS Errors, Proxy and Reverse Proxy, and What’s The Edge?

574: Estelle & Eric on CSS The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition

573: Google Reader, Sticky and Overflow, and Figma Thoughts

572: Text Sqwunch Property, Figma Developer Mode, Stripe Elements

571: Searching vs AI, Getting Designers to Play Nice, and Web Components

Dave's new haircut

570: Haircut Maintenance, Dave’s Bookshelf, Lazy Loading, and APIs

569: Apple’s Web Apps, Meta Quest and Vision Pro, and Missing Sticky Headers

568: Display Contents, Passkeys Follow Up, Yellow Fade Technique, and TOTK Talk

General Zod

567: Full Stack Dev, Load Bearing Developer, and Being Zod Curious

566: View Transitions and Passkeys

565: The Hurdy-Gurdy, OKLCH, Edge Dev Tools, and Ad Blocking

Dave Rupert in the style of Mean Girls as drawn by Midjourney

564: Render ATL, New Colors Available, Gradients, HDR, and More

563: Getting Pulled by the Algorithm, AI Training Data, and SVG Drawing

half Arnold, half Tswift, half Terminator. credit gingerchew

562: Podcast Apps, Zaraz, Future CSS Thoughts, and Arc

561: Web Perf News, Web Sommelier, Data Analytics, and Passkeys

560: Oh Biscuits! Cascade Layers, Block Links, Emoji Lists, and more CSS!

559: Fidget Apps, Coding with AI, Dialog Element Navs, Getting Rid of CSS

558: Esoteric Weird Content Editable Problems with Kristin Valentine

557: ChatGPT, Conferences, Fidgets on the Web, and Modern CSS in Real Life

556: Andrey Sitnik and Using OKLCH for Color

555: React Documentary, Front of the Front End, Fast Fallacy, and Best Practices

554: Jamstack Thoughts with Brian Rinaldi

Fred Schott

553: TypeScript, DX, GripeScript, and Astro v2 with Fred Schott

552: Do You Want to Build a JS Framework? ☃️ CSS Wishlist for 2023

551: PlanetScale with Iheanyi Ekechukwu and Mike Coutermarsh

550: Sanity with Simen Svale Skogsrud and Espen Hovlandsdal

549: Ben Ubois of Feedbin

548: Infinite Canvas, Luro + Figma, and Scraping or Crawling

547: WordPress and GraphQL with Jason Bahl

546: Ryan Dahl and Deno

545: Arc Browser with Nate Parrott

544: Feedback, RSS Talk, Arc Brower, and Product Talk

Zach Leatherman

543: Zach Leatherman on Eleventy, Mastodon, Twitter, and is-land

542: Breaking Up with CSS-in-JS, Mastodon, and Stories on the Web


541: Una Kravets on What’s New With CSS

540: Next 13, WP vs FB, Figma Thoughts, and a TypeScript Journey

539: Sameera Kapila and Inclusive Design Communities

538: Patching the Web

Chris and Dave on stage at An Event Apart 2022 wearing lederhosen and hats.

537: ShopTalk Live from An Event Apart 2022

536: Functional Programming, npm Dependency Hell, and the Patchability of the Web

535: Improving Developer Productivity with Rebecca Murphey

Two guys are a podcast about technology AI generated 9 images of two guys talking into a mic

534: Web Talks, AI Images, and Redesigning an API

533: Bastian Allgeier from Kirby CMS

532: Mobile Browser Injections, CascadiaJS + Enhance, CSS Methodologies

531: Mobile Database, GDPR Fun, and Heroku Shuts Down Free Plan

530: Keaton Taylor on Product Design, Career Paths, and DadTalk Show

529: What’s new in Safari with Jen Simmons

528: Alex and Andrew on Working in an Agency

527: Shaky Foundations, Tricky A11y Topics, & Dependency Follow Up

526: Web Components, Testing, and Database Seeding

525: Cache Bustin, Twitter Embeds, and Analytics Weirdness

Feross Aboukhadijeh

524: Package Security with Feross Aboukhadijeh from Socket

523: Quality Design in Apps, Headless WordPress Shopify, GitHub Action Notifications

522: Jay Hoffman and The History of the Web

521: GitHub Actions with Rizèl Scarlett and Brian Douglas

520: Conferences, Search Engines, Anonymity, CSS, :Has, and the Future with Eric Meyer and Jeffrey Zeldman

519: SSG vs WordPress, Customize Menus, JavaScript Testing, and CMS Tools in JavaScript

518: WebPageTest Improvements, Shopify Hydrogen, and is .CSS a Bad Idea?

517: Big Backend Energy

516: Building a Technology, Twitter Driven Development, Deciding on a Blog Topic

515: Gaming Fridge, Dave Goes Nuxt 3, Resizing Images, Hiring Devs, Design Systems, and Redesigning Blogs

514: Front End vs Back End Work, Teams Built Like a Video Game, API Keys, Twitter, and VanTalk

513: Live at AEA 2022

512: Web Whiskey Crossover with Chuck Carpenter & Robbie Wagner

511: Dave Talks Web Components, AMP Follow Up, Core Web Vitals, Building a New CMS, and GitHub Copilot

510: Fred Schott on the Past, Present, and Future of Astro

509: No Coffee, Inert Follow-up, Dialog Element, JSX in the Browser, and Mexican Travel Tips with Chris

508: Sold Any Blogs Lately?

507: To Do Tree, TypeScript and JavaScript, RSS Favs, PWA-holes, and Sound Notifications

506: 15m vs 30 Day Fix, Using Prisma, Infrastructure as Code, and Kirby CMS

505: Passing Props, Node Shipped Fetch, Digital Rot, and Making CodePen a PWA?

504: Jim Nielsen Blogging, App Icons, Color, and Images

503: Pull Request Issues, Checking in Node Dependencies, Nuxt and PropTypes, and Less Decomposing

502: Text Select in Notion, Safari Hot Drama, Writing in VS Code, and Other Browsers on Mobile Safari

501: Cyber Pink, Configuration Based UIs, Deleting Twitter for Time, and Lurking in Discords

500: Front-End Web Professionals Excited to Talk Front-End Web Design And All It’s High Dramatic Fashions

499: Melanie Sumner on Ember, Accessibility, and the Web

498: Prepping for 500, Git Journey, Git Hooks, Parcel CSS, and some Healthy Picks

497: The State of Native Apps and Web Apps in 2022 with Thomas Steiner

496: 2022 Predictions

495: Snow Blower Won’t Start, CSS Resets, Nuking Margin, Making Your Website Better, Testing on a Craptop

494: WYSIWYG Follow Up, Open Source Maintenance, Micro-Frontends, and Fleet vs GitHub Copilot vs VS Code

493: TikTok, Accessibility Follow Up, Dave’s WYSIWYG Journey, Scaffolding Components, and All Unset

492: Paravel’s Building an App – What’s the Tech Stack? Also:, Vue, Slinkity, and Quantity Leading to Quality

491: YouTube Benders, CSS Performance, Learning New CSS in 2022, Building a Great Embed, and Creating Slides

490: Web3, Cryptobucks, HTML is Ok, Tailwind Tokens, and Getting Excited About CSS

489: Landing Web Clients, Native App vs Web App, and Dave Wants LinkedIn Friends

488: Sportsball Moments, WordPress Block Editor, WYSIWYG Editors, Cloning Notion, and How to Focus on Accessibility

487: Chaos Monkeys, Images Missing at ISP Level, Modern Image Handling, The Manager’s Path

486: Keeping Up the New Web Things, Dealing with Spicy Sections, a Cloudinary Follow-Up, and some Apple Problems Persist

485: Building Websites Now vs 1996, Vue 3, Picking a CMS, and Writing a Book with URLs

484: Cloudflare, Lying to the Browser, Cloudinary Issues, Vue 2 to Vue 3, and Font Icons

483: Q&A on XState, Getting Comfortable with JavaScript, Managing WordPress Sites, and Background Images in CSS

482: Asset Pipeline Issues, Google ZX, Crazy CSS, and a New CSS Reset

Frontend Feud with photos of everyone on the podcast

481: Frontend Feud: ShopTalk vs Syntax

480: Pushing Users to the App, Browser Feature List, Notion Fun, and The Surprise Chain

479: Using VS Code, Import Ordering, Chrome API Eye Dropper, and YouTube Tease?

478: Google Changing Titles, jQuery + Chris’ Birthday, Kissing Content, and Word Break Break Word

477: Native CSS Module Scripts, Container Queries, and Writing Scoped CSS

476: #HotDrama Mug, #HotDrama Safari, #HotDrama Chrome, and the WordPress Build Process

475: Ben Hong’s Views on Vue, VuePress, Nuxt, Petite Vue, Shopify + Netlify, and Static Hosting

474: Tech Conferences, Dev on Windows, and CSS for Displaying Random Images

473: Brad and Ian Frost – From Meteorologist to Web Developer

472: Good Meetings. Is This Data? Front End vs Back End.

471: Perf as a Job, Riverside vs Streamyard, Frontend Being Consumed, and How Much to Bill Clients

470: Slap a WAAPI, Explaining the Shadow DOM, LayoutNG, iFrames, the Web Animation API

469: Syntax Crossover with Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski

468: Is Sass Still Cool? Animation vs Transition, Animated Tables, and Dark Mode in Email

467: New Frameworks, Astro, New React, and WWDC 21 Thoughts

466: Tabs In Component Libraries, Grouping @media Queries, and When is Software Finished?

465: Linters, Delivering HTML in a Single File, Specialist or Generalist, and Social Image Previews

464: Jamstack & New Netlify Features with Jason Lengstorf & Phil Hawksworth

463: Choose Build Tools, Social Media Images, Border Radius Clipping, and Debugging Safari in Windows

462: ShopTalk Show Live at AEA – The Web is Good, the Web is Bad

461: Dave Fired Everyone, WordPress Audio Player, Shared Element Transitions, and Fonts!

Adam Argyle

460: What’s New in CSS in 2021 with Adam Argyle

459: Talking Web Components, ES Modules, Using OAuth, and Digital Art

458: De-coding the Technical Interview with Emma Bostian

457: CSS Colors Fun, HSL, Updates from Browser Land, Pseudo Selectors, and Responsive Design Questions

456: WordPress Block Editor, ElementInternals, Writing Code or Leading a Team, and Container Queries

455: A Day in Our Lives at Work, Envisioning Conferences Again, and the Benefits of Netlify

Evan You

454: All About Vite with Evan You

453: Streaming Hardware, Babel Thoughts, Power Washing Websites, and a Desk Update

452: JavaScript and Bundlers, Dave and Vite, Stale Tab Reloading, and Consultants Who Can’t Deliver

Nolan Lawson

451: JavaScript and Web Components with Nolan Lawson

450: ShopTalk Patreon Discord Fun, Office Updates, Notion Competitors, and Elastic Search

449: JavaScript in 2021, Writing Workflow, Picking a CMS and Web Hosting, and Web Workers?

448: Next Gen Bundlers with Jason Miller and Fred Schott

447: Headless WordPress, Recent RSS Favs, Custom Post Types in WordPress themes, and Sharing Buttons

446: Pandemic Purchases, Video on the Web, Convoluted Processes, and Javascript Debounce

445: 11ty Conversions, CSS Tricks Redesign, Art Direction, and Should We Be Using React?

444: macOS + Bluetooth Woes, WordPress Support Share, Puppeteer Update, and How Much Do You Care?

443: Asset Bundling with WordPress, Using Grid for Components, Testing Ecommerce, and Dave Goes Back to Mac?

442: Buying a Big Monitor, How to Care about Blogging, & Buying a Big Shed

441: Nuxt, Auth, OAuth, M1 Updates, and Truths About Digital Accessibility

440: Serverless, Local Database, Edge Functions, and Using WordPress Serverless

439: Container Queries, Desk and Cable Routing, and Designing a Clicky Keyboard

438: ARM Based Macs, Digital Minimalism, Podcast SEO, and Monetization on the Web

437: WordPress vs Jamstack Followup, iPad SVG Drawings, CSS in PHP, and Self Hosted Video

436: Control UI with Greg Whitworth

435: Magic, iPad Sidecar, Getting Unstuck, Image Compression, and The Website

434: Natalya Shelburne on Design Engineering

433: Garbage PRs, Wayfinding on the Web, and Chapter 2 of the History of the Web

Shawn Wang

432: SWYX

431: Weaving Tangled Webs, Web Workers, and the History of the Web: Part 1

430: Smashing Conf Live Webinar

David Dylan Thomas

429: Cognitive Bias with David Dylan Thomas

428: This is 40, Code Health, Firefox Follow Up, Accessible Text Labels, and Minifying your Project

427: Browsers Built for Designers, Firefox Farewell, Spinning up a Quick Website, and Gutenberg Experiences

426: Backlogs, Issues vs Discussions vs Chatting, and Trying Not to Waste Your Shot

425: Tailwind, Where to Find Inspiration, SVG Corrections, and Web Workers

424: Web Components, Frameworks vs Vanilla, Accessible Numbers, and SVG Memory Usage

423: Sleep Issues, Zoom Masters, Discord as the New Chat, Chris Goes Ruby, and Dave Folds Windows

422: The Uncanny Valley of Website, Accessibility Widgets, Motion Settings, and Medium

421: Spinning Down Projects, Educating the Back-End Team, and Choosing Old Tech

420: CSS Tricks, Old Tech, Apple Goes Arm, and Building an Image Machine

419: Hey! What About Email, Scroll Triggers, Mobile First vs Desktop, and more?

418: LH, RLH, Shadow DOM, Developer Experience, and RUM

Gemstone 4

417: RSS Feeds, MMO Games, DnD, and Custom Fields

416: Banjos, Google Performance Updates, and Static Site Generator Perf

Jen Simmons

415: CSS Aspect Ratio, Rendering Engines, and More with Jen Simmons

414: The Front-End Ceiling, Emacs, Permissions, and Writing Better Words

Gerry McGovern

413: World Wide Waste with Gerry McGovern

412: RedwoodJS with Tom Preston-Warner

411: Vitaly Friedman and Smashing Magazine in 2020

410: Gulp with Blaine Bublitz

409: Stripe & Streaming with Suz Hinton

Marc Grabanski

408: Frontend Masterery With Marc Grabanski

407: Building Browser Features with Brian Kardell

406: Jamstack with Divya Tagtachian

405: Cross-Cultural Design with Senongo Akpem

403: Serverless Architecture at Begin with Brian Leroux

402: New Website!

401: Dreaming About Foldable Phones, RSS, and SEO

400: Talking with Jen & Adam about Firefox & Chrome

399: The Browser Show

398: An Event Apart, Subgrid, Grid, Chrome engine, & more with Eric Meyer

397: Fixing Hardcoded Issues, Tooling for your Job, and Picking an Editor for a Job

396: Edge Goes Chrome, Edge VM’s, and Designing a Website to Last

395: 2020 Don’t Eject!

394: Andy Bell on Taking Side Projects to 11(ty)

393: The Future Is Now McRupert

392: Looking Back at 2019

391: RapidFire Sickness

390: Eleventy with Zach Leatherman

389: The Bacon Method

388: When Tech Works and When Tech Breaks

387: Becoming a Front-End Architect With Katie Sylor-Miller

386: Help! My Boss Wants to Code?

385: Live from JAMstack_conf

384: Miriam Suzanne on Sass and CSS

383: What’s Up with CMS’s?

382: Jen Simmons on Browser Features

381: Animation with the Keyframers

380: Picking the Perfect Stack to Make Money on the Web

379: Making Money on the Web

378: RapidFire Q&A on Podcast Sponsorships, npm Dependencies, and Front End Developers

377: React Courses with Tyler McGinnis

376: Live Share for VS Code with Jonathan Carter

375: Greenfield

374: VisBug with Adam Argyle

373: WordPress Databases & Hosting with Brad Touesnard

372: with Simen Skogsrud & Knut Melvær

371: Technical Writing with Rachel Andrew

370: Resilient Management with Lara Hogan

369: Full Jamstack React Developer

368: Sacha Greif and the State of CSS

367: Accessibility with Nicolas Steenhout and Christopher Schmitt

366: Developing Tito with Paul Campbell

365: ARTIFACT Pre-Show with Jennifer Robbins and Chris Ferdinandi

364: Gatsby with Jason Lengstorf

363: Are Static Site Generators Still Considered a CMS?

362: Breaking Browser News

361: JavaScript with Sara Vieira

360: Riding a Bicycle

359: RapidFire Q’s on Node, Design & Development, & Coder’s Block

358: UX Design Education with Jessica Ivins

357: RapidFire CSS Crimes

356: Blocks and Browsers

355: Accessibility with Heydon Pickering

354: Next.js and Now with Guillermo Rauch

353: Typetura with Scott Kellum

352: Caching, Service Workers, and JavaScript with Scott Jehl

351: Dudes and Their Emails, Moral Quandaries, and Sass on Windows

350: Maintaining Vue.js with Evan You

349: Talking Svelte with Rich Harris

348: Getting lit-html with Justin Fagnani

347: Jason Miller and PreactJS

346: Is There a Great Divide?

345: Maintaining npm with Laurie Voss

344: Maintaining Babel with Henry Zhu

343: Learning How to Design with Erik Kennedy

342: Performance Improvements with Ben Schwarz

341: BaaS, Agile Methodologies, Human Readable URLs, and More!

340: Starting Over and Combating Design Q&A

339: Jamstack, 3D on the Web, Migrating Your Site, and MarkoJS

338: How to Think Like a Front-End Developer with Monica Dinculescu

337: How to Think Like a Front-End Developer with Peggy Rayzis

336: How to Think Like a Front-End Developer with Ben Frain

335: How to Think Like a Front-End Developer with Sameera Kapila

334: How to Think Like a Front-End Developer with Brad Frost

333: How to Think Like a Front-End Developer with Trent Walton

332: How to Think like a Front-End Developer with Mina Markham

331: How to Think like a Front-End Developer with Eric Meyer

330: Aaron Gustafson on WASP and PWAs

329: Dan Mall on Building a Portfolio

328: Jen Simmons and Intrinsic Web Design

327: Working with State Machines

Jen Robbins

326: Learning Web Design with Jennifer Robbins

325: Code is Expensive

324: Quilting Drama Q&A

323: ACF With Elliot Condon

322: Full Stack Crossover with Adam Wathan

321: WordPress, Jetpack, and Steve

320: Internet of Things

319: Hello I’m A Designosaur

318: Are You Leaking? Tell Us Where!

317: Designing with Laura Elizabeth

316: Customer Experience with Gerry McGovern

315: CSS Blocks with Chris Eppstein

314: Flexible Type Setting with Tim Brown

313: Twitching and Prototyping

312: CSS in JS Edition

311: Dev Confessionals

310: Humidity API

309: Deep Dive on D3.js with Ben Clinkinbeard and Elijah Meeks

308: Age Limits and Bad Copy

307: Existential Questions

306: Debugging CSS with Aimee Knight

305: CSS Jitter

304: Banjo Q&A Podcast

303: JAM Stack with Phil Hawksworth

302: React Drama with Michael Jackson

301: Hangovers

300: THIS. IS. 300.

299: Machine Learning with Paige Bailey

298: Gutenberg with Tammie Lister and Matias Ventura

297: Animation at Work with Rachel Nabors

296: Variable Fonts with Jason Pamental

295: Take a Knee

294: 2K18 Part II

293: Preppin’ for 2018

292: Noel.js Holiday Spectacular

291: Dipping our Eyeballs into VR

290: Benefits and Struggles

289: Spamming the Internet

288: Jet Lag Edition

287: Dad Talk Show

286: Content Strategy with Ellen de Vries and Robert Mills

285: AI-Driven TODOs

284: The Value of HTML and CSS with Mandy Michael and Lara Schenck

283: Garbage Desks in 4K

282: Testing with Eli Brumley and John Reese of CrossBrowserTesting

281: The New JavaScript

280: #shareyourdrafts

279: RIP HTML Imports

278: Top 5 Browser APIs You’re Not Using with Patrick Kettner

277: CSS-Zingers (Summer 2017 Beachbody Edition)

276: Web Components

275: History Repeating Itself

274: Vanilla JS with Chris Ferdinandi

273: On Sharing Links and Pricing

272: Color Accessibility with Geri Coady

271: Headless Material Sass Queries

270: SVG and Sketch with Peter Nowell

269: The Final Rapidfire

268: Delivering Podcasts

267: Rapidfire 90

266: Rapidfire 89

265: On Podcasting

264: React with Netflix

263: HTML Email

262: CSS Grid

261: Rapidfire 88

260: Rapidfire 87

259: Rapidfire 86

258: Design Ethics

257: Hiring

256: Civic Hacking

255: Rapidfire 85

254: WebVR

253: Rapidfire 84

252: Finding “A Thing”

251: Rapidfire 83

250: Web Security

249: News Publishing

248: AMP

247: The Performance Equation

246: Season Opener Rapidfire 82

245: Rapidfire 81

244: Rapidfire 80

243: Rapidfire 79

242: Rapidfire 78

241: Rapidfire 77

240: Rapidfire 76

239: Rapidfire 75

238: Rapidfire 74

237: Rapidfire 73

236: Rapidfire 72

235: Rapidfire 71

234: Rapidfire 70

233: Rapidfire 69

232: Rapidfire 68

231: Book Writing Panel

230: Practical SVG

229: Rapidfire 67

228: Rapidfire 66

227: Rapidfire 65

226: Rapidfire 64

225: #davegoeswindows Wrap-up

224: Rapidfire 63

223: Web Design Day Recap

222: Rapidfire 62

221: With Elea Chang and Deep Shah

220: Rapidfire 61

219: With Katel LeDu and Louis Rosenfeld


217: The Marshall Project

216: With Val Head and Sarah Drasner

215: With Khoi Vinh


213: With Donna Lichaw

212: With Sara Wachter-Boettcher and Eric Meyer

211: Rapidfire 58

210: With Tom Greever and Christy Ennis-Kloote

209: With Maya Benari and Hillary Hartley

208: Rapidfire 57

207: Rapidfire 56

206: With Rachel White and Lindsey Bieda

205: Rapidfire 55

204: With Matt Dennewitz and Jeff Eaton

203: With Rachel Nabors and Dan Wilson

202: With Monika Piotrowicz and Lara Hogan

201: With Alejandra Luaces

200: Rapidfire 54

199: A Look Back

198: With Ashe Dryden

197: with Stacy Kvernmo

196: Crossover with HTTP 203

195: With Brenna O’Brien

194: With Drew McLellan

193: The State of Front-End Dev (ALA Rebroadcast)

192: With Whitney Hess

191: Panel on Ad Blockers

190: Rapidfire 53

189: CSS Dev Conf 2015 Wrapup

188: Rapidfire 52

187: Rapidfire 51

186: Dave Goes Windows!

185: This Idea Must Die

184: Live at An Event Apart Chicago

183: With Saron Yitbarek

182: With Jeffrey Veen

181: The Cathedral and the Bazaar

180: Panel on “Inline Styles”


178: Rapidfire 49

177: With Sarah Drasner

176: With Wes Bos

175: Rapidfire 48

174: Rapidfire 47

173: With Andy Budd

172: With Tim Brown

171: With Lara Schenck

170: Rapidfire 46

169: With Tiffany Rayside

168: Rapidfire 45

167: Rapidfire 44

166: with Lisa Irish

165: With Tim Holman

164: With Ben Callahan

163: Rapidfire 43

162: Rapidfire 42

161: With Eric Meyer

160: With Nicole Dominguez

159: With Addy Osmani

158: With Kristina Halvorson

157: With Alex Russell

156: With Anna Debenham

155: With Aaron Mentele

154: With Yesenia Perez-Cruz

153: With Mark Otto

152: With Dan Denney

151: With Emily Lewis and Lea Alcantara

150: With Vitaly Friedman

149: With Wren Lanier

148: With Nathaniel Deal

147: With Tom Dale

146: With Jed Schmidt

145: With Sophie Shepherd

144: Rapidfire 41

143: Rapidfire 40

142: With Rachel Smith

141: With Marcy Sutton

140: With Justin Sainton

139: RapidFire 39

138: with Jared Spool

137: Rapidfire 38

136: Rapidfire 37

135: With Bastian Allgeier

134: With Marc Grabanski

133: Rapidfire 36

132: With Ian Feather

131: With Karolina Szczur

130: Rapidfire 35

129: With Sara Soueidan

128: Rapidfire 34

127: With Tobias Günther

126: With Fabio Carneiro

125: Rapidfire 33

124: With Rob Dodson

123: Special Archive Episode from 2004

122: With Katie Kovalcin

121: With Sam Kapila

120: Rapidfire 32

119: Rapidfire 31

118: Rapidfire 30

117: Rapidfire 29

116: Rapidfire 28

115: Bryan Jones and Guy Meyer

114: Rapidfire 27

113: Rapidfire 26

112: With Tim Murtaugh

111: With Dee Gill

110: With Julie Ann Horvath

109: With Tracy Rotton

Special: One on One with a Hacker


107: With Joe Casabona

106: With Nick Pettit


104: With Leslie Jensen-Inman

103: With Louis Lazaris

102: Rapidfire 23

101: With John Resig

100: With Rachel Andrew


098: With Lyza Danger Gardner

097: With Mina Markham

096: Rapidfire #22

095: With Daniel Mall

094: With Emily Dunkle

093: RAPIDFIRE #21

092: With Dudley Storey

091: With Jamison Dance AND Merrick Christensen

090: With Pamela Fox

089: With Karen McGrane

088: With Scott Jehl

087: With Nicolas Gallagher

086: With Jenn Schiffer

085: With Kimberly Blessing

084: RAPIDFIRE #20

083: With Florian Motlik

082: With Jason Santa Maria

081: With Geri Coady

080: RAPIDFIRE #19

079: With Travis Miller

078: With Rick Blalock

077: RAPIDFIRE #18

076: With Tim Sabat and Alex Vazquez

075: With Tim Kadlec

Special: Live from Front-End Conf

074: With Noah Stokes

073: With Val Head

072: With Raquel Velez

071: RAPIDFIRE #17

070: With Hampton Catlin

069: With Mike Taylor

068: With Ben Schwarz

067: With Pam Selle

066: RAPIDFIRE #16

065: With Ben Frain

064: RAPIDFIRE #15

063: With Rachel Nabors

062: With Brandon Mathis

061: With Alex Sexton

060: With Samantha Warren

059: With Lara Hogan

058: With Derek Featherstone

057: With Jeff Starr

056: RAPIDFIRE #14

055: RAPIDFIRE #13

054: With Stephanie Rewis

053: With Divya Manian & Garann Means

052: With Niki Brown and Liz Andrade

051: With Drew Wilson

050: With Daryl Koopersmith

049: With David Walsh

048: With Jen Simmons

047: with Tim Smith

046: RAPIDFIRE #12

045: With Harry Roberts

044: With Jeffrey Zeldman

043: With Gene Crawford and Carl Smith

042: Rapidfire #11

040: with Laura Kalbag

039: Rapidfire #10



036: Rapidfire #7

035: With Brad Frost

034: With Jeremy Keith

033: With Alex King

032: With Estelle Weyl

031: With Matt Mullenweg

030: With Rebecca Murphey

029: With Tab Atkins

028: With Allison House


025: With Dan Cederholm

024: With David DeSandro

023: With Rogie King

022: With Jessica Hische

021: With Nicole Sullivan

020: With Mat Marquis


018: With Gene Crawford


016: With Ian Stewart

015: with Jenn Lukas and Allison Wagner



012: With Trent Walton and Reagan Ray

011: With Jina Bolton

010: With Doug Neiner

009: With Ethan Marcotte

008: With Schmitt, Enns, and McFarland


006: With Zoe Gillenwater

005: With Jeffrey Way

004: With Longnecker and Croft

003: With Chris Eppstein

002: With Paul Irish

001: With Jonathan Snook

000: With Nobody