002: With Paul Irish
This week we were joined by Paul Irish and we, you guessed it, talked shop! We answered a bunch of reader questions (including some sweet audio questions, thanks folks) and talked about (mostly in order):
Time Jump Links
- The crazy cool Acko.net (Three.js)
- Pokémon
- (6:25) jQuery on mobile devices
- (12:10) How Paul got a job at Google (Modernizr)
- (15:16) The recent slight-more-popular SVG (The Noun Project, Resolution Independence with SVG)
- (19:42) CSS animations/transitions and using them in responsive design
- (26:58) How to start contributing back to the community while garnering some reputation (Moving the Web Forward, Compass)
- (35:02) Approaching JavaScript on projects / using templating vs. pre-formatted HTML
- (41:45) Styling a link's active state